Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Why even bother?

The last week of term. I'm sure all schools have it, and it's the same for everyone.

*Maths = Coordinates that make a Christmas based object.
*English = Watch a film
*Modern Foreign Languages = Christmas card
*Science = Watch a "documentary", AKA a film that was on BBC/ITV that a teacher recorded on a video cassette, not even bothering to try a more modern approach.

Those are the main'uns. It's all fun and games in year 7-9, but after that, it's downright boring! I's the same every year! I'd rather do something challenging to take my mind off of Christmas, then spend an hour drawing a 'chuffing' (thanks Mr Evans!) Christmas tree! It's not hard people!

This brings me to the question, why do we even bother coming into school? I don't really want to, it's a complete waste of time. I guess that's the price to pay for having my parents, eh?

From this post, I may seem like a very anti-Christmas person. I'm really not, I love it. Every aspect of it, it's great! I just want school to not insist on making the last week of school so unnecessary!

Well, fellow bloggers, it's come to the time where I must bid you a due.

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