Saturday, 19 December 2009

Another day, another post....sighhhh.

Well, as the title says, another day, another post.

I find myself bound to the duty of posting daily. It makes me feel bad if I don't 'blog' once a day. It's like feeding a pet once a day, but instead of a dog/cat/panda, I'm feeding a female Blogisus Worldwiewebbinen named Carol. I feed it words, whilst being digested as binary, and comes out the other end as mindless babble. I'd feel bad if I didn't feed my dog/cat/panda/Blogisus Worldwiewebbinen, wouldn't you?

Anywho, it's now closer to five days than six to Christmas, and, as happens every year, I start off thinking to myself "I'm not very excited, hell, I may have grown up a bit!". But as happens every year, I feel my excitement growing an growing until on Christmas day I wake up at 8:00am yelling "IT'S CHRISTMAS! EVERYONE WAKE UP!".

Ah, the fun of youth.

By the by, just so you know, I didn't mean to put my text in italic bold beyond "grown up a bit!", I clicked on it once, and now it won't go back. Oh well!

Well, fellow bloggers, it's come to the time where I must bid you a due.

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