Monday 25 January 2010

[No Subject]

Well, it's a been a while, hasn't it?

Just thought I'd have a lil' blog! I went into Bournemouth today with Chris Lockyer, which was excellent. We saw Avatar (the second time for me), and it was great, just as it was the first time. However, I did notice a little bit of 'fuzziness' in the 3D...ah well. Also, there were subtitles this time, which really annoyed me. It took away from the experience somewhat. I know that contrasts with what I said earlier, but I still enjoyed the film!

Well, fellow bloggers, it's come to the time where I must bid you a due.

Wednesday 13 January 2010


Well, I'm in a bit of a crap mood at the moment. I just got my Maths Unit 1 result back. A C. 74/108.

I know it's not the worst grade imaginable, it's still a pass...yeah yeah yeah. I would of been happy with a B, that would of been good. But no. I get a C.

I admit, I could of worked harder, revised more etc...But it's still frustrating. I've no doubt that there are people that did next to no revision and got great marks. I guess I'm just not very mathematical.

Ah well, better luck next time.

Not in the mood to put the little catch phrase at the end!

Sunday 10 January 2010

Fun Times!

This last week has been AWESOME!

The snow, which was only a little bit of snow, started on Tuesday. To be honest, it was pathetic, but it was enough to get us off school! Then, at about 9:00amish, it started snowing reasonably heavily for about 3 hours, and we got a good inch or two of snow! That snow has kept us off school for four school days (counting tomorrow)!

My little sister, my Dad and I went 'sledging' at Buckland Rings this morning. We didn't use a sledge, we improvised and used a Skimboard. It was great! The hills are reasonably big, and you can get a good bit of speed off them! I managed to stand up on the skimboard to the bottom of the hill, I was chuffed :D

It's supposed to snow tonight, but I have my doubts about that.

Well, fellow bloggers, it's come to the time where I must bid you a due.

Wednesday 6 January 2010

Oh My Lawd!

Normally, I'm very cynical about the weather forecast and snow. It never really happens. But today, it's like a blizzard! I can't believe it!

I woke up this mornin', and realised it was about 8 o'clock, and realised I wasn't in school. My first thought was, "oops", then I looked out the window. I saw a pathetic little layer of snow on the floor, and thought that school must be closed! YAAAAAY, but then I saw the snow again and was slightly dis-heartened.

However, as I said earlier, now it's like a snow storm! It's been snowing constantly for about an hour now, and must have about an inch of snow!

It's great. I'm off to enjoy it now!

Well, fellow bloggers, it's come to the time where I must bid you a due.

Sunday 3 January 2010


Well, my Holidays could of been better.

Or, my social side could of been better. I had a great time with my family, but I barely got out of the house with any of my friends.

It's been pretty crap. I heard hints of a Mighty Boosh-athon, but there was none to be found (I'm not taking any digs at anyone :L). It's just a little disappointing.

Ah well.

Nothing else to post about really. The final days of my holiday have been highly uneventful.