I have to admit, this concert was one of the best that I have had the pleasure to attend.
The Flaming Lips are a diverse band, that few people that I know have heard of. They
are a band that manage to incorporate powerful messages into all of their songs, one of the songs being 'The yeah yeah yeah song'. It is a song based on how a certain American president managed to abuse his power, and make a terrible mess of things. It's a brilliant song, and I advise anyone who can to listen to it.
Gah, dammit. I have managed to waffle completely off topic for a paragraph.
The Flaming Lips were completely and utterly astounding. There was so much energy that you could almost feel it. Their use of lights, props, and music formed the equation for a perfect "gig".
Wayne. Wayne Wayne Wayne. Wayne, the lead singer, is a legend in his own right. He lives and breathes music, and makes brilliant songs. In the concert, Wayne came out in a big plastic bubble, and rolled around on top of the crowd for five minutes. It was amazing, I touched the bubble! I touched his bubble! It was Brill'!
The fact that I went with James Bonney made the whole concert a thousand times more enjoyable. The car journey up to Portsmouth flew by, as we (me, James and my little sister, Esme) chatted about school and exchanged anecdotes.
And, how can I forget Stampy. Stampy was a man with shoulder length, shabby hair and scruffy clothes. He looked like the kind of person you would find at a mindless, heavy metal concert. Anyhow, the support band (Stardeath and the White Dwarves, who were also very good) started playing a mellow, slow-ish song. Me and James were just bobbing to the music, and we turn around to see Stampy, completely rockin' out. Jumping around, and stamping his foot, that's why we named him Stampy. However, when the songs started to liven up, he fitted in well.
However, there was the matter that a few people had an epileptic fit backstage. The gig came to an end for a few minutes, while the epileptic people finished their fitting (how rude!) me and James had a chance to discuss the concert.
There was also the matter of the fire alarm going off in the middle of the support band (see above). We were all standing outside in the cold, freezing our arses off! I let my little sister have my jacket in exchange for her flimsy cardigan. It was fun!
Overall, the gig was absolutely amazing. Highly recommended!
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