Saturday, 29 May 2010

Back in the Blogging spirit!

Well, recently, I've seen a "dry patch" of blogs. The mist recent one was Niall's Walker's Crisps blog, which is great by the way!

What a terrible change in the weather! There we all were, all psyched up for summer, then, quick-as-a-flash, back to the rain. Always the way eh? It happened in April/March, and it happened again. It's quite funny how, at the slightest bit of sun, Britain is ready to strip right off to get some of them UV rays!

Anyhow, my last post was about my Physics exam (and Zak EverNden (spelled right this time!)). It didn't go as well as I would have liked, but it could of gone a lot worse. I think!

In my opinion, the exams went in this order, from best to worst:
- Biology,
- Chemistry,
- And physics.

Coincidently, that is the order the exams were taken!

Thursday, 27 May 2010

Zak Everden (Splet properly this time!)


English being a prime example of his Rascality. I was there, playing Gratiano in The Merchant Of Venice, all psyched up and ready to roll, when Zak began to make me laugh. In one instance, granted, it was not his fault. He was merely turning a page in a strange way with a black rod based thing. However, this one was so funny that it made me laugh whilst I was reading out loud, which didn't embarrass me in the slightest *sarcasm*. The line was something along the lines of "Lorenzo and his group of infidels", and Zak told me to say it in a - to quote - "Terrorist voice". This genuinely cracked me up, and it took every ounce of my being to control myself.

Ah well, Zak is great.

Onto other things; my current exams.

As a studier of the separate sciences, I have had to partake in two exams so far. For every one of these exams, I have had to learn three modules, and remember a lot of them. Thus far, I have had two, Biology and Chemistry. Biology, I found, was reasonably easy. I think the revision I put in helped me a lot. Chemistry, however, was not as good. It wasn't "bad" as such, just not as good.

Tomorrow, I have to complete a Physics exam. This, I am not looking forward to. I do not think I will do badly, I just think I will not do as well as in the other two, as Physics is my weakest of the three sciences. I am predicted a 'B', whereas in my other exams I am predicted "A's".

Ah well, after this, I will let myself have the half term to relax, and not do much revision, and then when I return to school, it will be back to revising, but for maths.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Zak Everndern

Today in English, I was asked to write a post about/of/including Zak. I am now doing this with pleasure.

Zak is awesome. I find him genuinely hilariously funny, he never fails to make me laugh in English, or any lesson we share. He's brilliant!